Who are we and what do we do?
We Get People on Bikes
Bike Taupo is a cycling advocacy group, which was formalised in October 2002 to create a community representation for Taupo cyclists. Since then, Bike Taupo has also taken on the building tracks and maintaining tracks across the Taupo region. Our members use bikes for transport, pleasure and to stay healthy. We aim to support cyclists in every way, all the time.
The group has a dedicated committee of nine persons who strive to provide the Taupo community with a voice for cycling. We work alongside the council in promoting education and awareness and changes to infrastructure to encourage Taupo as being the most cycle-friendly town in New Zealand.
The group aims to encourage the use of cycles for transport and recreation in the Taupo District by:
Promoting cycling as a healthy, environmentally friendly, and convenient form of transport
Working for improved conditions and image of cyclists and cycling
Encouraging the use of cycles for transport and recreation
Educating cyclists and other road users to order to improve safety and awareness of cyclists
Lobbying the case for cycling in public debate and to relevant authorities
Advocating the implementation of the Taupo District Council Cycle Strategy document

Most of our work relies on volunteers and partners. We appreciate their continuing support and could not achieve what we have without them.
As if we haven't got enough to do, some of the team are masters at building mountain bike tracks and have steadily built up and maintain an extensive network that has been accreditated by the International Mountain Biking Association as a Silver Level Ride Centre. One of our biggest ongoing projects is the building of the NZCT Great Lake Trail. This asset is not only creating long-term economic benefits for our region but also putting smiles on the faces of those who ride it.
A little photo history of Bike Taupo…