Track Crew Report
If you are not already aware, Wairakei Forest (which includes Craters Mountain Bike Park) is closed until further notice for safety reasons. This could be for a period of up to six months but will depend solely on the log harvesting operations that need to be undertaken.
We all miss having Craters MTB Park to ride in but we are lucky enough to still have over 100km of tracks to access in the district.
A summary of tracks that are now open is as follows:
Junk & Disorderly track right through to the Redwoods.
Kev`s track
Express way
Rotary Ride all the way to Aratiatia Dam and back up the Western side of the river to the Highway Bridge opposite BP Wairakei.
Huka Trail Rotary ride is still being used by walkers as well and so even more care is to be used when riding this track.
The track behind Wairakei Hotel is still closed. No news on when this will be open but they have been working at clearing the logs.
Craters MTB Park area
The Track that runs parallel to Karetoto Road (Opposite the Honey centre)
The Honey Track
Hopefully these tracks will be open by the end of this month.
W2K is in great condition!
Kawakawa Bay track is riding well too. The section on Orakau has been trimmed & sprayed down to the tunnel.
The Bridge on the Kawakawa track is still waiting to be repaired. There is a site meeting with DOC on Monday 27th March.
There is approximately 3 km left to maintain before reaching the beach. This should be completed in a couple of weeks.
The 27kms that has been maintained has made a huge improvement on this track.
We are adding distance markings on the Great Lake Trails!