Crown Park Official Opening
It was wheely good fun at the Crown Park Cycle and Pump Track opening!
Have you experienced the Great Lake Trail?
As trail managers of this great ride, Bike Taupō are responsible for maintaining and developing the track.
If you have experienced the Great Lake Trail or planning too, then look out for the QR codes on the trail to complete the survey and be in to win a $200 Torpedo7 each and every month.
Huka Trapping Update April 2023
Most of the traps in the river corridor were ok or have been recovered. Andrew Hilton and his helpers have done a great job getting the Honey Trail open. The damage in that section is astounding.
Kids Bike Taupō Update
The Kids Bike Taupō programme visits all schools across Taupō and provides 3 kids bike sessions per week at 3 different locations across the district. Families have the opportunity to come and learn to ride a bike using one of our bikes if required, or bring their own and just enjoy some friends and family time.
Track Crew Report
Well, what a crazy start to the year we have had weather wise. Our thoughts go out to those from Northland down to the Wairarapa who have experienced devastation brought about by both recent cyclones that hit the North Island. The issues we are experiencing pale into insignificance when seeing what they are going through.
Update from our friends at FourB
At the FourB base, next to Craters MTB park we have been happy to see lots of international tourists and out of towners taking advantage of the quick work Bike Taupo did to get the Huka river trails open
A reminder to all that the Rotary Ride is a shared track
We have received some very disappointing reports of people verbally abusing other people on the Rotary track and our message to those people is this, just stop. This sort of behaviour is completely unnecessary.
Thank you…
When it became clear that Craters MTB Park wouldn’t be opening for some time and we began to understand the extent of the work to clear the local trails, we knew the cycling community would be as gutted as we were. We also knew that you’d get behind us, and you did and we are totally blown away by your support.
Bike Taupō Trail Update
Our trail crew have been out inspecting and clearing the trails. Read more for the udpate.
As you may know, we made a very tough decision this week to cancel the Craters Classic event. This was not a decision made lightly, but it was a decision that was taken out of our hands when we were advised that the Mountain Park would be closed for at least 6 months.
How can you support us?
We are very appreciative of so many people offering their time and services to clear and rebuild the tracks. We understand the sense of pride and responsibility that many of you are taking to want to help rebuild our unique and special place, Craters Mountain Bike Park.
With the uncertainty that the closure of Craters MTB Park brings in terms of readiness, we felt that canceling (whilst extremely disappointing) was the best decision for everyone.
Craters Mountain Bike Park is CLOSED
Craters MTB Park is NOW CLOSED for at least six months due to the damage caused by Cyclone Gabrielle.
Cyclone Gabrielle Trail Update 20 Feb
Our trail crew have been out inspecting and clearing the trails. Read more for the udpate.
Huka Trapping Update - December 2022
Huka Trapping started predator control on the Huka Trails along the river (Spa Park to Aratiatia) in June 2018. Later at the end of 2020, Bike Taupo modified the concession with LINZ to allow pest control in Craters Mountain Bike Park.
Kids Bike Taupo Update - December 2022
Santa Parade, Crown Park Developments, Kids Bike Taupo Sessions and more…